Saturday, August 31, 2019

Role of Ngos in National Development and Security

THE ROLE OF NGO’S IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SECURITY By ( IBRAHIM TUDU) Chairman, Zamfara State Coaltion of NGOs, Nigeria email: [email  protected] com INTRODUCTION: The term NGO has now become a popular in academic, policy and international cycles. The letters N. G. O is an abbreviation, which stands for Non-Governmental Organization, literally speaking because they are not formed by the government, not controlled by Government bureaucracy and they do not participate in decision or policy making of Government(s). SOME HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES For a better understanding of the present topic, one needs to have an insight into the history or evolution of NGOs. Community based organization’s evolution dates back decades ago. Some of the then existing voluntary organizations were very small, inexperienced and generally localized and some exist with different names, such as societies and clubs committees which are mostly friends, relations, professional groups, etc. Generally, they lack some relevant organizational capacities, funding and networking. Some of the oldest voluntary organizations established were the Anti-Slave Trade Society established in the year 1840. Another old and still surviving NGO established for humanitarian services was the International Committee for the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, an organization that out dates even the United Nations. It was established in the year 1863. It has played a major role in offering humanitarian services in major wars and conflicts. NGOs globally are developed from the need to coordinate some specifically defined activities and objectives. Beginning from 19th century, Mosques, Churches, Professional, Scientific and Cultural groups formed all kinds of associations that execute the work of NGOs. In the 20th century, specialized bodies started to spring up in such areas like sports, businesses and communications. This paper would now try to fully define the meaning of NGO and also go further to answer some questions on how, why and the need for NGOs, before finally addressing the roles they play in the national development and security which is the topic this paper is designed to address. What is an NGO? Let me begin by asking us this question. What does the term NGO stands for or what is the meaning of an NGO? Even though there is no generally or universally restricted definition of NGO, however let us bring in some definitions by some institutions and international bodies in order to explain more the meaning or the message behind the term NGO. To enable us capture the idea behind the NGOs, four of these definitions would suffice; i. The British Library, for example agrees that NGOs has to do with voluntary participation by average citizen in the affairs of his environment or communities. This is so because there is no imposed membership, control by Government or State. They are now often called Private Voluntary Organizations (PVO). ii. The World Bank, defines NGOs as private organizations that pursue basic social services, or undertake community development services. They in whole or in part depend on charitable donations and offer voluntary services. iii. The United Nations, the present name N. G. O was first coined by the U. N in the year 1945. This was mainly to distinguish them from States and Governments. iv. The International Community generally adopts another name for NGO’s, which is â€Å"Civil Society Organizations†. This is generally because they are being formed by the citizen for the good of society and are generally not for profit. NGOs are known to be legitimately engaged in activities that touch on the lives of their communities. These include economic, social, humanitarian, security and philanthropy. They are nevertheless broad in names and activities depending on their objectives, focus and mode of operation. These include associations, societies, forums, foundations, networks, charities, organizations, trusts, centers, clubs, committees, etc. Why Are NGOs Established? Let us try to address the question or give answers to the reasons on why NGOs are established by communities. The belief that not all areas, activities, fields, needs and services of the communities are perfectly and completely offered or addressed by Governments however highly advanced or principled. This makes the establishment of NGOs absolutely necessary, complimentary and very encouraging in the history and developmental need of any nation. It is generally agreed that human capital is another form of economic capital. Therefore, the vast resources and capacities accumulated by the voluntary, non-profit organizations could not be disregarded. The zeal to serve ones community and offer services to the poor and the needy or participate in developmental activities or other humanitarian and relief services are some of the motivating factors that give rise to the establishment of NGOs. Recently, the activities of NGOs are on the rise, they are at the forefront in the fight for good governance, accountability and transparency by public office holders. So many factors and challenges have caused like minded eople to unite and forge common front on some issues of the day ranging from the quest for offering social services to the people, to offering relief, humanitarian and emergency services. So also the issue of globalization, environment and anti war issues has united communities. Between 1945 to 1995, the number of NGOs has increased astronomically. Currently, even in the absence of accurate data of the number of NGOs worldwide, one can safely say that their proliferation is directly associated with the coming of new technology, communication and the Internet. On the average, a new NGOs is created somewhere in the world every day. Generally, it is our opinion that the number of CBO and NGOs in a particular locality, state or nation providing non-profit services in a very healthy development which should not be over looked by any state or government. More recently, there has been growing interest in the activities of NGOs not only in Nigeria but worldwide. How Does NGOs Operate? Worldwide, the activities and contribution of NGOs to societies through their participation and providing inexpensive, value driven and usually completely free services to communities has been acknowledged and is increasingly coming to the lime light. Even though, NGOs operate in different capacities and with numerous objectives, motivation and focus. Generally they work as pressure groups, watchdogs and developmental organizations. The United Nations for example has found it very necessary to deal with NGOs. In fact, the term NGO as earlier explained was coined by the U. N. after the WW II. Since then it has extended the ways and principles of it engagement with the NGOs by expanding and improving the way it works with them. The British and American Governments have also created a variety of regional assemblies and grouping to try to bring more people and communities into ctive participation in democratization and other major campaigns. The International Community uses numerous names to describe NGOs. These names include: Non- partisan organizations, not-for-profit, Watchdogs, Pressure Groups, Voluntary Sector, Complimentary Institutions, Stakeholders, Non State Actors, Bridge Builders, Development Partners, Grassroots Organizati ons, Community Based Organizations, Private Voluntary Organizations, Peoples Organization, Value Driven Organizations, Third Sector of the Economy, etc. The world of NGOs has continued to widen and assume more dimension and relevance today. LEGAL STATUS OF NGOs The right to establish, create or form an NGO is a fundamental human right that belong to the individuals or group of people and are not bestowed on the States or Governments. These rights are derived from the fundamental rights of an individual, group or community to free speech and association that exist in almost all civilized constitutions. However, even though NGOs have right to exist and operate as informal organizations, a crucial part of the enabling environment for NGOs requires them to incorporate and acquire formal or legal personality or status this would in turn protect the principles of such NGOs from personal liability for the affairs of the organization, such as contracts, debts or legal action. In Nigeria, for example, Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) is the body charged with the power to register NGOs that desire to operate in Nigeria. CAC derives its powers from the Companies and Allied Matters Decree No. I part C, which took effect from 2nd January 1990. So also States and Local Governments have departments of Social and Community Development and that of Youth and Sports Ministries overseeing the registration of NGOs. AN IDEAL NGO It is expected that every organization should meet some certain requirements in order to engage in legitimate activities as opposed to criminal and illegitimate groups. An ideal NGO is expected to among other things abide by the following: – †¢ To be registered with relevant authorities at the Local, State or National levels depending on the level of operation. To have a well articulated constitution or articles of association or charter. †¢ To have an executive body, and an open and simple criteria for membership or volunteers. †¢ To have an office, correspondence addresses like; post office box, telephone, email, fax, etc. †¢ To have clear and well-defined mission, vision or aims and objectives. †¢ To engage in programmes a nd activities that helped the community. †¢ To have a clean, transparent and verifiable sources of funds for their activities. †¢ To have a leadership, organogram and well established channel of communication. To have very good rappour with their community, other organizations and relevant authorities. CATEGORIES OF NGOs Even though their activities are sometimes similar and aimed at development, NGOs differ in so many ways and aspects. They can be safely categorized into various groupings. They can be CBOs, FBOs, and they can also be INGOs. The World Bank for example classified NGOs into 3 main groups, they are: – a. Community Based organizations (CBO); these are NGOs that are based or directly in touch with the Local communities and usually set up by the communities themselves, e. g. CODEC, CDF, PAMUHE in Zamfara State. b. State NGOs (SNGO) & National NGOs (NNGO); these organizations as the name implies operate as State or at national level in their countries of origin e. g. GLONIJ, FOMWAN, PEDO in Zamfara State etc c. International (INGOs); there are typically in developed countries and they usually carryout their activities in more than one country e. g. CARE, OXFAM, etc. Some of the other categories also include; d. BINGO; Business Oriented International NGOs. e. RINGO; Religious International NGOs. f. FBNGO; Faith Based NGOs. g. ENGO; Environmental NGOs. . GONGO; Government Operated NGOs. i. QUANGO; Quasi –autonomous NGOs. Further sub-divisions are also possible; Active NGOs; these are the ones that strive to address the root causes of societal problems they stage programmes that even attract the media. They are either advocacy, service or development oriented. In active NGOs; These are the less functional ones that have less or no funding whatsoever b ut attend conferences, seminars and workshops. Brief Case NGOs; These are usually one-man show often described as â€Å"Portfolio Type† or a collection of â€Å"Family Business Groups†. Umbrella Organizations for NGOs exist with names like; Networks; These are groups of NGOs from different areas, states or regions that comes from different backgrounds but working in the same field but not necessary the same focus and mission. e. g Cisnan Coalitions; these are umbrella organizations that consist of different NGOs working in different fields of human endevour. They are of differing focus, objectives and missions but they are united for the betterment of their causes and social welfare. e. g Zacons Who fund NGOs? There are a number of funding sources or bodies working with different NGOs. They may be categorizes in the following; 1. Self- Funding; Registration fees, Dues, Levies, Donations, Investments Returns, etc. 2. Local, State or Federal Governments; Naca, Zamsaca, etc 3. Foreign Governments; Like the U. S (USAID), U. K (DFID), E. U, etc. 4. UN Agencies; UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, UNIFEM, etc 5. International NGOs; Global Fund, Oxfam, AAIN, etc 6. Philanthropies/Foundations; Ford Foundation, Rock feller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Heinrich Foundation, Melinda Gates Foundation, Packard Foundation, Macarthur Foundation, etc THE ROLE OF NGOs IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT After casting a picture of what NGOs are by showing how they operate and why they are established, we can now safely delve into their contributions national development. NGOs as non state actors, have played and are stilling playing very important and major role in initiating and supporting various Local, National and International developmental activities. To make sense out of this, one may digress a little to show how NGOs are also playing their role internationally. For example concerted campaigns, enormous pressure and actions by States together with NGOs led to the establishment of the International Court of Justice. Globally, NGOs have impacted direct and meaningful involvement in shaping the international agenda at the United Nations and regional levels through remarkable negotiations. NGOs are found in international and regional committees. They also contributed in the MDG and NEEDs programme. They are also engaged as partners in United Nations Agencies such as the UNEP, UNFAO, UNDP, UNCTAP and UNCHR. But since this is outside the scope of this paper there is no need to go further. NOW WHAT IS THE MEANING OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT? To understand the contribution of NGOs to National Development especially in Nigeria, we need to acquaint ourselves with the meaning of the term National Development. Development of any nation is defined by the advanced learners Dictionary as that nation’s process of changing and evolving pattern of becoming larger, stronger, more successful or more advanced. ‘The Roles of Civil Society and Citizen organizations (in national development) are becoming better understood around the world,† says Martin Sime, Chief Executive Officer the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organizations. NGOs has been over the past decade ahead of government on many key issues of our times,† said Mr. Naidoo an Executive social worker. Another separate testimony by Mr. Mario â€Å"Whether we take the issue of land mines, environment, HIV/AIDS, global poverty agenda, gender equity, civil society’s impact is quite significant and remarkable in terms of facing difficult challenges of our time and putting forth solutions that are more bold, more courageous and more innovative than many who are constrained by their political office† says Mario Lubetkin, Director General of the Inter Press Service (IPS). Even though NGOs as oppose to Governments, are well outside decision-making machinery of Governments, they have proved as dependable partners in the formulation of policies and programmes whenever consulted by Governments. Let us now list some areas of contribution by NGOs. 1. NGOs have contributed immensely in monitoring and exposing bad governance, corruption, child trafficking, etc. 2. They have also served as think tanks and resource base for training, capacity, research and advocacy, project planning and execution. 3. Many NGOs have gained the trust of people and Governments, so the Governments machinery has begun to engage and dialogue with them thereby tapping their expertise and skills. NGOs are now no longer considered adversaries but partners in progress. 4. NGOs have had significant progress in raising public awareness on almost any issue that arose. This they do through increased campaigns, sensitization, information collection and data analysis. 5. They have forged ties and engaged in fruitful partnership and networking among themselves. This has boosted cooperation, unity and more developmental services they render to the people. . They have played significant role in shaping the debate for sustainable development. They execute concrete projects and advocate for the formal participation of women in division making. 7. NGOs are contributing immensely in the attainment of environmental justice through protection of social, economic and environmental rights. 8. They have contributed in MDG, NEEDs, Micro credit scheme and poverty alleviation. NGOs in Zamfara State that are affiliated and members of the coalition have contributed to the development of Zamfara States in many ways and at different levels. Currently, NGOs have employed a number of youth both male and female as full time development staff and some on office routine. They can also boost of the largest collection of humanitarian volunteers from communities, civil services and the business sector. NGOs in the state have executed a lot of projects totaling more than 30 millions naira in the past 3 years alone. More then 60 projects in the area of education, health and good governance were executed in Zamfara State. NGOs have exalted themselves in areas of exchange of ideas and information. They have engaged in a number of capacity building workshops and other International Forums. NGOs have attended and represented Zamfara State in a number of seminars, workshops and conferences. In the past few years NGOs in Zamfara can boost of accomplishing the following as their own contribution to state and national development; 1. Enhancing Girls Basic Education in Communities LGAs in Zamfara State. 2. Peer Education, Kasaurara II Project in 12 Northern States. 3. Self help Community Development Projects, 4. Construction of Culverts and Drainages, 5. Participation in Environmental Sanitation Programme. 6. Quiz competition on Radio and T. V among Youth in the State. 7. Sensitization and Awareness on the Annual Hajj exercise. 8. Sensitization workshops on Reproductive Health issues. 9. Organizing of Leadership training courses. 10. Construction of Community Primary School in Tudun Wada, 11. Renovation of Boreholes. 12. Quarterly Training of Trainers Programme on HIV/AIDS. 13. Publication of Books and Journals for Adult and Children 14. Monitoring of Census and Election. 15. Youth and Women Skills training in Zamfara 16. Provision of Care and Support for PLHVA 17. Provision of Emergency and First Aid services. 18. Research Projects on Child Begging and offering solution 19. Sensitization workshop on HIV to opinion leaders. 20. Public Enlightenment of Women on current issues 21. Provision of Public Pumps at U/Zabarma, Gusau 22. Organization of Inter-Secondary Schools Debate 23. Participation in Tree Planting Campaign. 24. Staging of Conflict mitigation workshops 25. Provision of HIV Resource Centre. 26. Sensitization on Affirmative Action for Women 27. Provision of Micro Credit to Women 28. Budget Tracking Workshops 29. Launching of VCT centers and Hotlines in the State In Zamfara State NGOs can be found in different communities set up to work at Local, State and National Levels. This is in recognition of the role they can play in giving useful advises, constructive criticism and sound policy decisions. WHAT ARE THE ROLES PLAYED BY NGOs IN NATIONAL SECURITY Again let us address the term and notion of security and national security before indicating the role the NGOs play in ensuring national Security. In a summary National Security as defined by Wikipedia, the internet encyclopedia refers to the public policy of ensuring the survival and integrity of the nation state through the use of economic, social and military power and the exercise of diplomacy in both peace and war time. The strategy used or employed by the states to protect national security is numerous. They include the use of diplomacy to rally allies and isolate threats; marshalling economic power to facilitate or compel cooperation of the enemy. Others measures include the use of intelligence and network of agents to depend, defeat or avoid threats and espionage and protect classified information. However, national security does entirely and solely depend on the military power or population of a nation but the social well being of the people of a nation. The components that make up national security include the following: – i. Food security ii. Economic security iii. Political security iv. Social security As indicated above, the notion of national security does not only mean the enforcement of laws and security operations. National security is a collective and relative name. It does not only means enforcement of fear or restoration of Security, but the elimination of all sources of insecurity, which must include the provision of all of the above components. The NGOs helped in no small measure in the maintenance of each of the three mentioned security components. Let us try and list them in this order; i. Food Security: NGO’s most visible role and contribution is in the fight against hunger, unemployment and poverty. They perform so well in these areas by demanding for good policies by governments on the issues of tackling poverty. They help in getting food to the hungry and the needy through humanitarian services, philanthropy, charity and endowments. â€Å"A hungry man they say is indeed an angry man and conversely a source of insecurity†. ii. Economic Security: Through the pursuance of good economic policies by governments the NGOs press for economic reforms and better economic measure to ensure a secure economy that buttress businesses and other economic activities. NGOs are in the forefront in the fight for accountability, transparency and equity by public and private office holders. iii. Political Security: In the public and leadership arena, NGOs are in the forefront in the fight for good governance, democracy and human development. NGOs engage leaders and public office holders by ensuring public based legislation, participation and equal opportunities are provided. v. Social Security: This is one of the most and very important components of national security. Ensuring social cohesion, integration, participation, efficient and adequate distribution of social services and amenities. NGOs also help in the fight for equal opportunities and employment that are integral to their activities not only nationally but also globally. On the health sector the NGOs has reacted to HIV/AIDs, Malaria and Tuberculosis with unprecedented attention and dispatch it deserves. NGOs IN WAR AND PEACE As generally believed, peace is not only the absence of war but a state of maximum security free from all forms of fear. Conversely, there is no security without peace. NGOs offer their services in peacetime and also offer humanitarian services in events of emergencies such as epidemics, earthquakes and other natural or man made disasters. NGOs contribute in no small measure in times of peace and security. This becomes evidently clear in the sense that NGOs themselves help in bridging gaps, resolution of conflicts and public enlightenment on contentious issues. Even though there some NGOs whose formation and activities draws some security concerns, one may hasten to say that those NGOs only strive as a result of inadequate security and failure of governments to provide checks and balances which fuels their existence and increase their activities. These â€Å"NGOs† may include extreme pressure groups, armed freedom fighters, criminal gangs, rebels, cultist, syndicates, cartels, ethnic and racial movements, nationalist fighters, etc. Therefore these organizations should be carefully separated from developmental and progressive NGOs. Even though the above voluntary and community organizations may be initially established or formed by a law abiding community and legally, but later their activities may draw some special concerns, fears and security threats. Generally a good NGO should contribute and argument the effort of their communities, localities, states and nation in their chosen areas of operations. NGOs IN LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SECURITY There are numerous NGOs that are found in uniform or out of uniform that help security services in the maintenance of law and order. They participate in confronting emergencies by providing assistants and First Aid support. . g. Red Cross, Red Crescent, Man ‘O’ War Bay, Civil Defense, Volunteer Forces, Scouts, Girls Guide, Boys Brigades, etc. CONCLUSION: One painful fact still remains that security networks and by extension their Governments have not yet recognized and appreciated the huge reserve of knowledge, capacity and resources resident within the voluntary sector that can contribute to their policies and programmes towards National development. On their part, some NGOs underestimated their relevance and the role they can play in National Development and Security through engaging Governments at all levels on all issues. Criticisms of NGOs from some quarters that are either not direct recipient of their services or are ignorant of the role they are playing in national development also abound. They are being called all sorts of names that include; they are self appointed, undemocratic, answer to no constituency, encroaches on National and International laws, long arm of their sponsoring partners, resembles multinationals, chase disasters, proponents of western values, aggressive organizations, extremist, etc. Whatever the criticism, it is evidently clear that nationally and Internationally, political and economic developments has risen with the rise and rise of NGOs, Civil Organizations has become a vital link and force for social change. They put people first before profit; they put food first before reserve or politicking. The bottom line is that, the work of NGOs which is the provision of socio-economic needs of the people as well as caring for their well being are also the key elements in any development and security effort of any nation. The security of people must starts from meeting their human needs. This implies that social amenities such as shelter, education, health and other infrastructural materials and the elimination of economic inequality are part of security. All of the above cannot be secured unless and until we have good governance, democracy, peace, security and sustainable national development. Fortunately, these are exactly what the NGOs are fighting for and were known for globally. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The Author of the paper holds HND in Printing Technology from Kaduna Polytechnic in 1989. He worked in the private sector and was one time Managing Director Nasiha Professional Printers, Sokoto and Zamfara States. He was also the Press Manager, Mazan – Fara Printing Press, Gusau. He worked in the public sector and was the Chief Superintendent of Press, Survey Division, Ministry of Lands and Survey, Zamfara State. He also served NGOs in different capacities: Executive Member, Muslim Students Society, Kaduna Polytechnic Branch, Secretary General, Joint Youth Islamic Organizations, Zamfara State. Currently he is the Secretary General, Global Network for Islamic Justice, Zamfara State, Executive Director, Partnership for Muslim Health, Zamfara State, Chairman, Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations, Zamfara State, President, Association of Nigeria Authors, Zamfara State Chapter. He has attended so many seminars and conferences both at national and international levels. The Author is currently employed with the Zamfara State Zakat and Endowment Board, in the position of Director Zakat Collection. SOME ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS USED AAN-Action Aid Nigeria CSACEFA-Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All. CISHNAN-Civil Society Network on HIV/AIDS. DFID-Department for International Development. SFH-Society for Family Health SACA-State Action Committee on Aids USAID-United State Agency for International Development CODEC-Community Development Centre NACA-National Action Committee on Aids CISCOPE-Civil Society Action Coalition on Poverty Eradication GLONIJ-Global Network For Islamic Justice UNDP-United Nations Development Programme NEEDS-National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy IDASA-Institute of Democracy South Africa. ZASCON-Zamfara State Coalition of NGO’s AAIN-Action Aid International SEEDS-State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy TMG-Transition Monitoring Group PLWHA-People Living with HIV/AIDS CARE-Cooperative Assistant for Relief Everywhere REFERENCE The rise and rise of NGOs – Peter Hall-Jones, Public Services International, May, 2006. NGOs the self appointed altruist – Sam Vakain, Ph. D – 2005 The role of Egypt C. S. O in Development & Reform – USEF Panel Discussion Notes, 2004. Categorizing NGOs; – World Bank Criteria. Towards an enabling legal environment for CSO – Sixteenth Annual John Hopkins International Fellows in Philanthropy Conference, Nairobi, Kenya. NGOs – Wikipeadia; the free encyclopedia. C. S. O & Democratic oversight of the security sector – Macina Caparini, DCAF, International Security Forum Zurich, 2002.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Managing the Customer Experience

With the rising affluence and advances in IT in the society, incomes and living standards rose continuously. These contribute to a change in lifestyle and lead to increased demand for products and services. As a result, customer is expecting a good quality customer experience. Customer service plays an important role in an organization’s ability to generate income and revenue. Successful customer service is an on-going process of meeting and exceeding customer expectations. A customer service experience can change the entire perception a customer has of the organization. Through the articles on customer complaints and compliments, I had read and summarized the various points customers consider as important to enjoying quality customer experience. Firstly, body language and communication. Two of the most important parts of positive body language are smiling and eye contact. Customers expect staff to look into their eyes as they are having a communication. This shows that the staff respect them and by listening to them. Also, staff responsiveness will create a bond of trust and a communication comfort level. Secondly, be an information expert. In other words, staffs are to know what products or services they are offering back to front. Whatever the situation may be, staffs are expected not to leave customer with an unanswered question. This is critical because it determines the retention of customers as staffs are the customer only contact to determine how to use the product or service to get the best return on investment. Thirdly, anticipate customer needs. Staffs are encouraged to look for ways to serve their customer more than they expect. For instance, to remain contact with customers by keeping them informed of new events, product updates or even calling to say hello. In doing so, customer will be amazed by the employee who make the effort in going the extra mile to help them. In addition, they will feel that they are well taken care of and this creates a seamless relationship. In conclusion, I had quoted a meaningful quote from the web from the point of view of a customer. â€Å"Quality customer experience refers to the customer journey which makes them feel happy, satisfy, served and cared, with a sense of being respected, according to his or her expectation or standard, start from first contact and through the whole relationship. †

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The characters are irresponsible dreamers – The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is an effective novel in epitomising the relentless struggle of many to achieve the American dream. The economic boom and the radical change in society following the First World War may have contributed largely to the idea of the American dream. Fitzgerald portrayed in The Great Gatsby the stark contrast between the rich and the poor whilst revealing a common similarity – a hope in attaining the American dream. The novel follows the dreams of members of entirely separate social classes and encapsulates the thwarted dreams of both the prosperous and the underprivileged, through immoral and irresponsible actions. Overall, it can be said that The Great Gatsby summarises the way in which society's definition of the American dream morphed from that of achieving happiness to acquiring monetary effects. Daisy Buchanan can be regarded as one of the foremost ‘irresponsible dreamers' in the novel. Her personality appears to reflect that of a child's. She often acts fickle, immature and is constantly seeking attention. An example of this is on page 15 where Nick mentions â€Å"I've heard it said that Daisy's murmur was only to make people lean toward her. † Her childish attributes may have contributed to her irresponsible nature. After meeting Gatsby, Daisy begins to view everything in a romantic light. She whispers to Gatsby about wanting to â€Å"just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around† (page 101). Her relationship with Gatsby seems to have a tinge of fantasy, almost as if she is more interested in getting away from reality than being in a relationship with him. Daisy's affair with Gatsby can be said to be irresponsible as she is both a wife and a mother. Also, her decision to have an affair might possibly have stemmed from the anger and jealousy she felt in knowing about Tom's infidelity. The death of Myrtle and the events that followed showed readers just how irresponsible Daisy's character is. Despite that ultimately, Daisy was responsible for the death of Myrtle, she appeared unremorseful in leaving blame to Gatsby. This is evident when Fitzgerald writes â€Å"But she and Tom had gone away, early that afternoon, and taken baggage with them† (pg 171). This line immediately shows readers that Daisy may have felt little guilt at leaving Gatsby behind to deal with the aftermath of Myrtle's death. The â€Å"baggage† that the pair had taken with them implies that they are leaving for a prolonged amount of time and also that Tom and Daisy may have spent time planning their leave. Daisy's refusal of accepting her part in Myrtle's death shows elements of moral decay of the '20's society. On a larger scale, it can be suggested that Daisy and Tom embody the affluent old aristocracy, a society that could effectively avoid responsibility for their actions through their shield of abundant wealth and high status. Daisy, in particular reflects the quintessential example of the American dream- she had inherited her wealth, is married to an equally wealthy man and rotates in the circles of the upper class society. On the other hand, readers can argue that at the end of the novel, Daisy made the responsible decision of staying with Tom, saving her marriage and her daughter and can therefore be forgiven for her previous actions. Myrtle's character represents the average working class citizen of America. However, her affair with Tom grants her a few of the luxuries that other ordinary working class citizens would not be able to attain. For example, she says â€Å"I'd like to get one of those police dogs† (page 33). This extract shows that with the advantage of Tom's wealth, Myrtle can afford to be fickle. Her irresponsibility lies with her belief of a rise in social standing through her relationship with Tom. Her attitude to others of her own class, changes, perhaps signifying a corruption of innocence. When Tom and Myrtle host a party in their apartment, Myrtle acts in a patronising manner towards Mrs McKee, rejecting her compliments and offering Mrs McKee her clothes (page 37 and 42). Fitzgerald may have written it to show that the American dream was not necessarily morally justified, for when Myrtle achieved aspects of the American dream – wealth – she behaved haughtily. However, readers may argue that Myrtle was not irresponsible, as she was only pursuing the chance for a better life. Myrtle may have seen her affair with Tom as a means of obtaining this â€Å"better life† and so her actions were justifiable. Her death represents the slow disintegration of the American dream. Its abruptness could possibly symbolise the abrupt economic boom (and later the abrupt economic bust), and the end of the American dream for both Myrtle and the working class society. In Gatsby, it is clear Fitzgerald has embodied the true American dream. Gatsby's climb from humble beginnings to owning a huge mansion, a successful business and a Rolls Royce displays to readers the ideal form of the American dream. However, it is also apparent that Gatsby acts in irresponsible ways. His chief aim appeared to be to win back Daisy. Gatsby says on page 117 â€Å"Can't repeat the past? (†¦ ) of course you can! † This belief showed readers that Gatsby was perhaps in denial that Daisy had moved on from him, and had a separate life from him. He had toiled for five years to be able to present to Daisy a worthy partner in himself, arguably an irresponsible act as it was inevitable that after five years, Daisy would have moved on. Fitzgerald also ties in the theme of time with Gatsby. Fitzgerald writes â€Å"the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of his head† (page 93). This line could represent Gatsby's strong conviction in repeating the past, whereas the clock tilting dangerously could perhaps be a dangerous indication of the tragedy to come. Another form of Gatsby's irresponsibility is in his strong loyalty to Daisy, despite the fact that she is married to another man. Ironically, his loyalty to her proved to be his destruction as he takes the blame for Myrtle's death and therefore was murdered by Wilson. Like Myrtle, Gatsby proves to be a victim of the American dream, and like Myrtle, his death could perhaps represent the disintegration of the American dream. Additionally, Fitzgerald's detailed description of the preparation of Gatsby's parties at the beginning of Chapter 3 could perhaps have been to illustrate Gatsby's extravagance in trying to win over Gatsby. This could perhaps be regarded as wasteful and irresponsible of Gatsby by readers. However, it can be argued that Gatsby was influenced by his love for Daisy and therefore his extravagance was justified. It is suggested in the novel that Gatsby made his wealth through engaging in criminal activities. However, as it is not directly mentioned, it cannot entirely be regarded as another of his irresponsible actions. In general, it can be said that Gatsby's irresponsibility stemmed from his pursuit of Daisy's love, and so readers are often more empathetic towards him than any other character in the novel. Moreover, Gatsby's representation of the American dream appeared to be the only one that did not centralise on monetary gain – another aspect that draws sympathy from readers on his death. To an extent, it can be agreed that the characters are irresponsible dreamers. Readers however, may be at a disagreement over which character holds the biggest responsibilities. Daisy can be seen as one of the most irresponsible characters as she played a great role in the death of Myrtle and therefore her action had a greater consequence. The American dream also plays a part in the irresponsibility of characters as it is often their pursuit of their dreams that leads them to make immoral and irresponsible decisions. Fitzgerald's depiction of the â€Å"roaring twenties† and the unprecedented distribution of wealth revealed an alarming aftermath of social and moral decay.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discussion type of stages Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion type of stages - Assignment Example The space left behind a proscenium is fashioned to be packed with scenery and flats for elaborate sets but it is not necessary. When it is left empty, it symbolizes an eloquent empty space and in its vastness and hollow cavernousness expresses choices not made, memories, and uncreated illusions (Puchner, 2007). There is an overwhelming feeling watching characters on this set up create their fictional existence in front and inside this purpose-built cave. With all the proscenium theatre effects, the time an actor takes walking across to downstage, effects of rather murky little figures emerge into the brightness from the gloom, extraordinary light quality on a proscenium stage, and fog effects among others are a genuine marvel and purely a theatrical wonder. This theatre setup is dumb striking and amazing specially the effects of an empty proscenium. The stage makes provisions for an actor to stand between the greater stage expanse and the auditorium thresholds, a virtual space where we can only glimpse, but not enter physically awarding them a liminal position and a magical sphere to speak right at us (Puchner, 2007). Personally, there is nothing comparable to Proscenium Theater. It is the ultimate theatrical high. It does not take much as well, just an arch, a lot of space and a great

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Research Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing Research Report - Coursework Example That is a serious issue and that is the reason behind loss of skilled and experienced employees as those employees quit their jobs. Here in this research I discussed about this problem thoroughly and some solutions I have given at the end. 1. Introduction and problem definition: As a manager of an IT farm I found that there are several corporate problems a organisation faces like drop in market share, profit fall, employee turnover reduction, quality assurance issues, problem form client ends, government policies and several rules and regulations etc. But here I am going to discuss the problems regarding my various employees who just came back from onsite jobs or foreign locations. The details of the problem is discussed below- In modern days it is common to give strategically important tasks to top level executives and send them to foreign countries for a certain time interval. It is widely known as expatriation. To reduce cultural shock it is very important to make those employees aware and train for the culture of new countries and locations. It definitely cost a large amount of money for the organisations to train its employees for a new country. At the moment work in abroad complete that employee comes back to its older location or may be in home country then that employee have some problem regarding this cultural trauma this is known as repatriation. (Nikolaeva, 2010, p.5) Objective of our research is how handle the repatriation practices throughout the organisations efficiently. To gain international market knowledge expatriation is the effective tool. It is also helpful for the organisation when that employee after coming back to home country apply their international knowledge in the organisation. But it is proven that repatriation process is worse than expatriation process, because when an employee having problem regarding his/her own countries culture then that employee is in real problem. That is why in corporate culture repatriation is dangerous th an expatriation. (Arman, 2009, p.1) 2. Research method and limitations To accomplish a valuable research an authentic and generous data collection method need to be followed. Relevant data are collected from market research, after processing those data, they can be used in various research purpose. Hidden knowledge behind the research is understood by the research results and it makes aware the researcher about the problem thoroughly (Kolb, 2008, p. 12). By the market research, researcher get the data form very wide range of population like clients, employees, management people, logistics agents etc (McDaniel & Gates, 1995, p. 5). From several researches methodology researcher can choose couple of them or only one of them. But researcher always needs to keep one thing in mind that his goal of research should not ever get distracted from the previously decided path. Research methodology is the most important factor of the framework as whole analysis is depending on this. Source is th e next important part of the research. Researcher chooses what research approach is also another important factor. After that selection researcher needs to calculate how much primary and secondary research is need to be done and how much importance they need to give each method. After that its only remaining thing is

Governance of international football Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Governance of international football - Essay Example To logically comprehend the gist of the topic, it is mandatory to understand the concept of governance, a word quite in vogue in the contemporary world. One of the reasons behind the adoption of governance through different fields like international relations, politics and sports is because of the space of authority and need of monitory force in every aspect of human life. Stated differently, no field in the scene of human existence is devoid of the need for controlling and managing forces. The concept of governance has gone through a constant phase of transition through the passage of time. Previously reckoned as the responsibility of a solitary authoritative body, governance today stands for a collaborative work of local authorities, public departments and voluntary organizations. This changing concept of governance is based on the notion of governance as a steering force which means that the responsibilities of governing bodies keep changing and the modern way of governing is by the delegation of responsibilities rather than the concentration of the duties in a single authoritative body. The second approach of governance that focuses governance as networks also opposes the concentration of power to a single entity and favours the positive relationships among organizations (Heacademy: 2007). Governance of Sports: Background: The emergence of governance concept in sports is followed by a number of factors. It was necessarily because of certain flaws witnessed in the governance of sports at different times that led to the attention drawn towards increasing importance of governance of international sports including football. Some of the noticeable flaws of governance in past include the continued confusion is coming up to any decision for the redevelopment of Wembley Stadium. Similarly, the world of football is not devoid of such shortcomings of governing bodies in the recent past as it is clear by the failed bid for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Finals (Heacademy: 2007, p.2) Introduction to Governance of Sports: Aart Kraay elucidates the concept of governance in different scenarios. If applied to the world of sports, governance means the set up by which the authority in any sport is exercised. The process involves the recruitment and monitoring of governing bodies, ability of the authority to implement the policies made for the concerned sport and the respect of members from different countries participating in the sport (2006, p.1). Since the world of sports is wide ranged, different organizational bodies assigned to different sports are designed to govern a specific sport or group of sports. FIFA and UEFA: Since the topic delves into the workings of FIFA and UEFA in terms of governance, it is essential to build a basic

Monday, August 26, 2019

Psychological effects of children being raised by homosexuals Essay

Psychological effects of children being raised by homosexuals - Essay Example CustodiÐ °l gÐ °y fÐ °thers Ð °re less common. BecÐ °use of their relÐ °tive invisibility, gÐ °y fÐ °thers Ð °nd their children hÐ °ve been less Ð °ccessible for study. Ð lthough it hÐ °s been thought thÐ °t the numbers of gÐ °y fÐ °thers (Ð °nd hence the numbers of their children) were not sufficiently substÐ °ntiÐ °l to wÐ °rrÐ °nt study, it is now known thÐ °t this Ð °ssumption is erroneous. There Ð °re Ð °t leÐ °st 1 to 3 million gÐ °y men who Ð °re nÐ °turÐ °l fÐ °thers. Ð lso, this figure is conservÐ °tive since it does not tÐ °ke into considerÐ °tion gÐ °y men who Ð °dopt children, who Ð °re foster or stepfÐ °thers, or who Ð °chieve fÐ °therhood by other less trÐ °ditionÐ °l meÐ °ns (for exÐ °mple, sperm donÐ °tion). Likewise, it is difficult to estimÐ °te the number of children of gÐ °y fÐ °thers. From the foregoing it is possible for the reÐ °der to hÐ °ve the impression thÐ °t children of gÐ °y fÐ °thers Ð °re concerned in the extreme Ð °bout their fÐ °thers homosexuÐ °lity, Ð °nd thÐ °t they Ð °re excessively embÐ °rrÐ °ssed by it. This is not necessÐ °rily the cÐ °se. Ð lthough sociÐ °l control strÐ °tegies Ð °re used in order to negotiÐ °te Ð ° public personÐ °, in the reseÐ °rch being reported here it wÐ °s Ð °lso discovered thÐ °t there Ð °re influencing fÐ °ctors thÐ °t determine the extent to which the children utilize the strÐ °tegies just described. The influencing fÐ °ctors Ð °re Ð °s importÐ °nt to understÐ °nding the reÐ °ctions of these children Ð °s Ð °re the sociÐ °l control strÐ °tegies. The first influencing fÐ °ctor is mutuÐ °lity. MutuÐ °lity refers to identificÐ °tion by the child with the fÐ °ther. When the child identifies or links him or herself in some wÐ °y with Ð °lso being different, or the child feels thÐ °t he or she vÐ °ries in some wÐ °y from societÐ °l norms in terms of behÐ °vior, lifestyle, vÐ °lues, or beliefs or believes there Ð °re other mutuÐ °l links with the fÐ °ther such Ð °s shÐ °ring similÐ °r tÐ °stes in music or movies, then the more Ð °ccepting the child is of the fÐ °ther Ð °s

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Iconostasis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Iconostasis - Essay Example ... This arrangement, however, differs in the finer churches in Greece, Russia, Turkey and the East where the iconostasis is adorned with a wealth of paintings. In those churches, aside from the two requisite pictures, the iconostasis is covered with pictures throughout. On the royal door, there is always the Annunciation. The Annunciation is the revelation made by the archangel Gabriel to Mary, the mother of Jesus indicating that she would conceive a child, the Son of God. In addition to the Annunciation there is often a depiction of the four Evangelists. On each of the other doors there are generally pictures of St. Michael and the archangel Gabriel. Beyond the deacon's door there is usually the saint to whom the church is dedicated. Additionally, at the opposite end there is either a picture of St. Nicholas of Myra or that of St. John the Baptist. Depicted above the royal door, there is a picture of the Last Supper and directly above that picture there is often a large picture of Jesu s sitting on his throne with a crown and adorned in priestly clothing much in the image of a High-priest. At the pinnacle of the iconostasis there is a large crucifix which represents the source of salvation for believers and on either side of it, there are pictures of the Virgin Mary and St. John (Wikipedia, n.d.). In extremely elaborate iconostasis, the pictures are arranged in rows across the entire length of the iconostasis. The bottommost row contains the pictures previously described while the second row generally contains pictures commemorating the fundamental feasts of the Church such as the Nativity, Annunciation and Transfiguration. The third row generally contain pictures of the Prophets of the Old

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Comparative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Comparative Analysis - Essay Example Philosophers like Peter Singer have adopted utilitarian viewpoints in order to justify a strongly favorable position to animal liberation and a respect for the environment. After all, it was Jeremy Bentham, John Stewart Mill’s family friend, who said of animals, â€Å"the question is not ‘can they reason’, and not ‘can they talk’ but ‘can they suffer’?† John Stewart Mill’s piece â€Å"Nature† discusses the extent to which human beings can listen to and derive moral truths from nature alone, and whether it is indeed a valid source for such information. Mill looks critically at claims made by philosophers throughout time and space that human action must conform to some underlying Law, a supreme ruler and ultimate standard. He ultimately concludes that acting in accordance with any just natural laws is a physical impossibility and therefore the concept itself an absurdity. The word â€Å"nature†, whatever it means, does not confer any normative principle, whether it is endorsement or disapproval. Nature simply is what is, and not what ought to be. â€Å"Nature,† Mill writes, â€Å"cannot be a proper model for us to imitate. Either it is right that we should kill because nature kills; torture because nature tortures; ruin and devastate because nature does the like; or we ought not to consider what nature do es, but what it is good to do† (Mill, 2007). This passage encapsulates perhaps what is most significant about Mill’s essay. Holmes Rolston, in â€Å"Humans Valuing the Natural Environment† broaches this same topic by quoting Barry Commoner’s â€Å"third law of ecology†, which says Nature knows best (Rolston, Humans Valuing the Natural Environment, 1989, p. 32). This is the inversion of Mill’s thought that nature has no place in guiding human action. It states simply because human beings value nature in some sense such means they ought to follow nature accordingly. Rolston

Friday, August 23, 2019

Advertising and Promotion In Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Advertising and Promotion In Business - Essay Example However, in order to attain such a position and image, effective advertising and promotion is essential. This is because; advertising means, a set of information or potential message communicated to the customers in order to improve its rankings and popularity in the market among others. By doing so, the level of awareness of the customers over the features and benefits of the products might get enhanced resulting in amplification of their reliability and consistency over the brand. For example: in classic advertising procedure, a specific problem is presented in front of the customers along with a solution to resolve the problem. This encourages the customers to purchase such type of product or services that may amplify the profitability and uniqueness of the brand or organization in the market1. Thus, advertising or marketing is recognised as a process of communicating the features and advantages of the product or services to its potential customers in order to improve the total sa le and revenue of the organization. However, in this process, the sender or the communicator presents the message to the receiver. He encodes the message and then decodes it and attains value information as presented below. By doing so, the level of relationship with the customers also gets enhanced resulting in amplification of the brand value and market share of the organization in the market among others. Due to these reasons, promotion and advertising is considered as holistic approaches of marketing. Â  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

City Life Essay Example for Free

City Life Essay Hello! I have a request for you to give me a feedback on my essay. Thanks in advance. Essay on city life see more:city living vs country living The migration from the countryside to city areas is merely a new phenomenon. This is a historic transformation on a global scale that consists of village culture being rapidly replaced by urban culture. Nowadays more than half of the worlds population lives in the cities. The majority of the people migrate of the better employment opportunities, the medical and educational facilities but there are also other reasons like the fun attractions of city life. City life is far more interesting and appealing to young people than rural life with its theaters, cinemas, night clubs, restaurants, shopping centers, places where you can practice some sport and get a professional to help you out with it and all sorts of other things you can imagine. Nevertheless urban life has its disadvantages too.Those ensue from the fact that inevitably life becomes more and more rapid in the city and that results in the way people act. They walk through life hurriedly without noticing the important things in life that are family and nature. They become more and more distant and loose their way to nature which leads to more and more medical conditions ensued by withdrawing from nature. Life in our cities will become more perturbed in the future. The main problem will be overpopulation therefore the streets will become crowded with people, it will take hours to get anywhere. Even if the traveling issues are solved overpopulation will result in many homeless people because there isnt enough space for everybody even if skyscrapers are built to the sky. Other than that new technologies will develop even more and make life easier than today. In conclusion city life is very appealing but its developing rates are harmful for mans survival and future. Future generations will have to solve this problem.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Quality Improvement Plan Essay Example for Free

Quality Improvement Plan Essay For more than a decade, Via Christi has sponsored a variety of initiatives designed to improve the quality of care provided. These efforts have engaged staff, patients and physicians at all levels within the hospital to measure and improve the quality and safety of patient care. At times these initiatives have seen success and failures, but with the recent push for our â€Å"big aim† quality is the major focus. The physicians, nurses, other clinicians and administrative leaders overwhelmingly agreed that Via Christi should adopt the goal of reducing serious safety events by 80 percent over the next three years. Performance Measurement and Quality Improvement Performance measurement is known as the collecting and analysis of data to determine how an organization will reach its potential (The Joint Commission, 2013). Often this type of analysis is seen in engineering, with the recent push in Via Christi, Lean design and Six Sigma black belts have joined the team in quality. A good example of performance measurement is through The Joint Commission. They have outlined a set of performance development methodology that is considered the gold standard in health care today. By meeting these measure hospitals can function at an optimal level regarding quality care. â€Å"Quality improvement consists of systematic and continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups† (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). It would be hard to not have quality improvement and not have some type of performance measurement to guide the work. Therefore, you need quality improvement to have some type of quality measurement. Via Christis Mission, Services, Goals  Via Christi provides a wide range of services for the community, from rehab to acute care, with a new dedicated focus on long-term care. The mission of Via Christi is derived from the Sister of the Sorrowful Mother and the Sisters of St. Francis and reads as â€Å"Inspired by the Gospel and our Catholic tradition, we serve as a healing presence with special concern for our neighbors who are vulnerable† (Via Christi Hospitals, 2012). At this time Via Christi is embarking on a journey of â€Å"big aim†, which means decreasing serious safety events by eighty percent in three years. An example of how the hospital specifically will tackle this goal is with the work of our central line committee, which is comprised of nursing, Six Sigma black belt engineers, and physicians. This team is reviewing current process and implementing new concepts. Role of Consumers and Quality Indicators The role of patient, families, and friends is one of active engagement with Via Christi. As Via Christi launches into its â€Å"big aim† campaign there is a need for these individuals to help lead the changes through active participation. An example of this type of engagement is how a patient’s son perceived the care of his mother during a hospital stay. The son later contacted the unit manager and offered some feedback regarding the stay, as the unit manager listened she realized that the family had some valid points, such as the long time diabetic mother being allowed to do her own blood sampling and peritoneal dialysis treatments as she was use to at home. So often we take over for the patient in the name of policy, when we could have the patient as an active participant. Some of the external resources available to our community regarding quality indicators would be with The Leap Frog Group. Leap Frog follows quality indicators for hospitals and then issues a grade related to findings. Some of the specific quality indicators for Via Christi are related to central line infection rates, foreign bodies left after surgery and respiratory failure after a surgical procedure. Consumers can access this sight to obtain the information and then ask questions related to findings. This information helps the consumer to be more participative and informed. Feedback Used to Improve Quality At Via Christi, they are just starting to incorporate the consumer into the equation on quality care. The Clinical Practice Council has been formed with all of the various stakeholders to provide the feedback necessary on quality care. The group of physicians, nurses, hospital administrators, and consumers work to review core measures and clinical findings. This group will then make recommendation on how to help move the organization forward. The hospital is working towards being a high reliability organization, through high quality outcomes and patient satisfaction. Conclusion Via Christi serves a wide range of individuals from all generations. As this organization moves forward toward their â€Å"big aim† project of reducing the serious safety events by 80 percent in three years, the consumer will be at the helm helping to guide the decision with feedback, by active participation in councils and satisfaction surveys. All of this work will lead to high quality care being provided to all.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Operations Management Questions and Answers

Operations Management Questions and Answers It is essential for studying operations management because operation is one of the most integral functions in businesses around the world, and we have to face it from day to day whether we work in production or service industries. If we only choose a limited functional perspective, we will surely restrict our decisions. In other words, we cannot see an overall picture and do not meet requirements of employers. Additionally, we study operations management to maintain efficient production or service processes with a workforce in order to readily adapt to new equipment and schedules, on the other hand, to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Studying operations management provides necessary ideas, techniques and principles which can be used in both manufacturing and service industries. The principles of process thinking can be applied across the business. Overall, operations Management is an interesting and challenging field of study. 2. What is the difference between the terms production management and operations management? The difference between the terms production management and operations management is that production management is related mainly to manufacturing. Meanwhile, operation management includes manufacturing as well as service industries. 3. How does the function of an operations manager differ from the function of a marketing manager or a finance manager? How are these functions similar? The function of an operations manager is to create the supply of goods, whereas the marketing managers function is to create the demand for goods. Meanwhile the function of a finance manager is to secure and allocate the capital to produce the goods. These functions are similar because decisions made by all three managers affect four types of operations decisions including process, quality, capacity and inventory. Therefore, a high level of integration is needed between decisions made by the marketing, finance, and operations managers. 4. How is the operations management field related to the fields of human resources, information systems, or accounting? The human resources function directly influences the skills level of operations workforce, their capacity and availability to perform work, and their ability to work as a team towards common goals. Operations management is a major internal customer of information systems, and as a result, these systems generally support specific operations decisions such as capacity determination, forecasting, quality management, inventory control, and scheduling. Be similar to finance, accounting interacts with all four decision categories in operations, particularly when capital or measurement of operations is required. 5. Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first identify the purpose and products of the organization; then use the four decision types to identify important operations decisions and responsibilities. a. A college library b. A hotel c. A small manufacturing firm a. A college library Purpose: Make information available to students and faculty. Products: Services and products in the forms of books, periodicals, reference materials, the internet, etc. Process: First, designing the way the facility is arranged with an emphasis on fiction, non-fiction, reference, periodical, and administrative sections. Second, we decide the kinds of office equipment will support the students and staff. Third, we determine how materials will be recorded, checked in/out, and returned to their proper book-shelf. Fourth, we determine the type of information technology equipment that used to support the circulation process and student internet access. Fifth, we consider who will be responsible for library operation and who will monitor and evaluate their performance. Quality: Be sure that materials are up to date and relevant. Make sure that the staff is available to assist library. Manage feedback system to monitor student and faculty satisfaction. Capacity: The library services and materialss demand affect the size of the shelves, what it carries, the number of librarians, and when those employees are scheduled Inventory: How many books, magazines, encyclopedias, computers needed to meet the demands of students and faculty b. A hotel Purpose: Provide a comfortable place for guests Products: Services and goods in the forms of room service, beds, premium linens, pools, night-clubs, foods, etc. Process: First, information architecture will be required to support the guest reservation, payment, check in/out, and entertainment processes. Second, equipment needed to support the room, housekeeping, and food service divisions. Third, job descriptions and performance standards required for staff in each of those divisions. Fourth, management needed for monitoring employee performance and resolving guests feedbacks. Quality: Be sure that the rooms are clean, and affordable. Make sure that staff maintains friendly attitudes with guests. Capacity: Local demands determine the number of available rooms, the convenience provided, and how many employees of each department will serve. Inventory: Local demand affects inventory variation to support the hotels administrative, household management, and food service divisions. c. A small manufacturing firm Purpose: Provide merchandise with high quality to the consumer at the lowest possible cost Products: Physical goods come along with the essential services to support those goods Process: What type of industrial facilities will be equipped? How large a facility will be needed to house the production line and administrative support offices? How the goods will be designed, manufactured, packaged, marketed, and supported? Quality: Use a quality control process to detect and reduce defects. Make sure that staff maintains friendly attitudes with customers during all levels of the sales and support processes. Capacity: Physical facilities labor. Inventory: What, when how much raw materials kept on hand to facilitate the manufacturing process? 6. For the organizations listed in questions 5, describe the inputs, transformation process, and outputs of the production system. a. A college library Input: The librarys staff decides and collects books, periodicals, reference materials which match the colleges requirements Transformation: First, accountant pays out for the cost of buying books, shelves, and other facilities. Second, librarians arrange and lay out books so as to make them available to students and faculties. Output: Students and faculties refer and borrow books, periodicals, reference materials. b. A hotel Input: Rooms and amenities, employees, capital, and other resources. Transformation: Use those above inputs to offer hotel services. Output: Customers hire and use services c. A small manufacturing firm Input: Energy, materials, labor, capital, information. Transformation: tracking all component parts, work in process, packaging materials. Output: finished goods, and general supplies. 7. Describe the decision-making and the process view of operations management. Why are both these views useful in studying the field of operations management? The decision-making is a process of deciding or settling something important, especially in a group of people or in an organization. On the other hand, it is the way we choose between alternative courses of action using cognitive processes memory, thinking, evaluation. The process view of operations management provides a basis of defining service and transformation process as well as a foundation for analysis and design of operations. Both these views are useful in studying the field of operations management because the decision-making provides a foundation to divide operations into part such as process, quality, capacity and inventory. Meanwhile, the process view provides essential insights for the productive processes in functional areas. 8. Write a short paper on some of the challenges facing operations management in the future. Use newspapers and business magazines from the library or the Internet as your primary sources. Operations management is not a sustainable thing. It always changes and copes with new challenges in the future. First, globalization is one of the integral challenges facing operations management today and into the future. Operations managers will have to face global competition today and in the future. One of the examples is the lawsuit between Apple and Samsung now. Apple has started proceedings against Samsung for copying the designs of iPhone and iPad (Daily Mail, 2011). Although Samsung a Korean company is a supplier and partner of Apple an American group, the lawsuit still happens because they are competitors on mobile devices field. Second, environmental responsibility will affect operations management in the future. The changes in environmental rules may change processes and capacity. Third, operations management will face awareness of technology and its trends as an indispensable challenge. Technology has changed everything in operations and it will continue. For example, automation system could replace human resource more than ever. Overall, those things are only three parts of challenges facing operations management in the future. However, they are typical challenges today and into the future. 9. Review the want ads in The Wall Street Journal or use the Internet to look for management positions that are available for operations management graduates. On, MANUFACTURING BWAY Corporation has sought an operation manager for coordinating manufacturing process. This position includes production, scheduling, safety, maintenance/à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹repair, quality management. Candidates have at least five years experiences as a Production Operations Manager; college degree and effective communication ability. Also, it requires candidates to be able to ensure quality and delivery performance for the plant (Monster, 2011). 10. How do changes in the environment, such as demand changes, new pollution control laws, the changing value of the dollar, and price changes, affect operations? Name specià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ c impacts on operations for each change. Changes in demand, law, currency value, etc. affect significantly to operations. Operations have to adapt to such changes quickly. The demand changes will increase or decrease the number of products, thereby affect process, capacity and inventory. On the other hand, every addition and change in the pollution control laws, operations must consider that production process use safe and certificated resources. If a manufacturing process does not match the law, it will be redesigned and reconsidered. The changing value of dollar will cause a lot of effects. It will affect the environment such as the customers demand, transportation cost, etc. Price changes will increase or cut down the input cost, thereafter affect production cost and finished goods price. 11. Find examples of well-run and poorly run operations in recent business periodicals such as BusinessWeek, Fortune, and the Wall Street Journal. What can you learn from these examples? On the Wall Street Journal, there is an article that describes Fujitsu, a well-run operation in the difficult time after disasters (Osawa, 2011). Fujitsu has prepared for all possible contingencies in order to reconsider the production process after catastrophes. I can learn from this example something valuable, particularly, Fujitsu has clear plan and they made decision quickly after disasters. Therefore, the production system was not interrupted for a long time. In one BusinessWeeks article, MGM Grand had an issue on engaging employees with operations. Sometimes employees did not know what meetings were at the hotel (BusinessWeek, 2009). From this example, it is clear that stuck of staff would affect operations such as customer loyalty, return visits, and spending in the hotel. 12. Identify some of the current trends in operations that you think are of critical importance. Some current trends in operations that are critical importance: Global Competition Operations Strategy Supply Chain Management Lean manufacturing 13. Describe how operations process thinking can be applied to the following types of work: a. Acquisition of another company. b. Closing the books at the end of the year. c. Marketing research for a new product. d. Design of an information system. e. Hiring a new employee. Operations process thinking can be applied well to various types of work by following process, quality, capacity and inventory. a. Acquisition of another company Process: Consider and seek to take over another company or at least gain a controlling interest in that company. Quality: Minimize the expenses of cash in making the acquisition. Capacity: Ensure that we can borrow a significant amount of money to pay for the acquisition. b. Closing the books at the end of the year. Process: Prepare financial statements. Quality: The accounting revisited to ensure all statements are proper. c. Marketing research for a new product. Process: Corporate staff makes some of the process decisions. They have developed a standard that is simply sized to à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ t customers demand. Quality: Products must follow certain standards for quality that have been set by the corporate staff. Capacity: Decisions about capacity determine the maximum level of output of products Inventory: Select appropriate suppliers and decide how much components to order and when to place orders. d. Design of an information system. Process: Analyze and design system requirements from different perspectives. Quality: Ensure that design meets the requirements. Capacity: The information system has ability to satisfy every work today and into the future.

Should all handguns be legalized? Essay -- Legal Issues, Weapon, Pros,

Should handguns be legalized? As we all know, guns as a whole have been a controversial issue for people from all walks of life. One side feels that guns should be legalized and the other side that feels guns should be completely illegal. When someone is in a dangerous situation, he or she should have the right to defend his or herself. However, if one is against guns, how is that person going to be able to defend him or herself? Because of this, I am a huge proponent of guns when it comes down to being in a dangerous situation. What some people fail to realize are the reasons why people need a gun in the first place. Some argue that guns kill people and the misuse of guns is growing at an alarming rate. The way I see it, people kill people and guns are not the only weapon of choice. I feel that guns should be legalized because it’s our country’s second amendment, individuals who live in bad neighborhoods need them, people who are put in dangerous situations also need them, guns also provide a sense of security and more guns decreases the crime rate. It is clear that our Second Amendment guarantees our right to bear arms. The author of â€Å"Guns as Smut Darrell Miller† states that the U.S. Supreme Court held that our Second Amendment guarantees an personal individual the right to keep and bear arms (1278). Miller also reports that our Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to keep and bear arms for personal protection (1280). Author Edwin Vieira Jr. states that it is undoubtedly true that all citizens are capable of bearing arms (23). Vieira also states that during the entire 19th century and most of the 20th century, America suffered from no pervasive gun control of the modern variety (23). Since our Second Amendment... ...ecrease murder rates†). The city only started allowing citizens to own handguns for self-defense again in late 2008 (â€Å"Guns decrease murder rates†). Many people that are against guns feel that more guns mean more crime but at the same time, the evidence clearly proves that if handguns where legal in all fifty states, violent crimes would drastically decrease. An intruder would not approach someone that owned a gun knowing that the consequences of getting wounded will increase. With our country’s second Amendment, living in urban areas with high crime rate, people being put in bad situations, guns providing a sense of security, and guns decreasing crime rates, it is evident that I have legitimate reasons why handguns should be legalized. Although Americans have the right to defend themselves but furthermore, the use of guns should come with responsibility.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Magic Realism in One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marque

Magic Realism in One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez In One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez uses â€Å"magic realism,† to depict how human beings deal with their self-created solitude. â€Å"Magic realism† [Note that the German art critic Franz Roh coined the term â€Å"magic realism† in 1925 to describe "a magic insight into reality†][1] is the art of captivating something that in the real world would not be possible and manufacturing it to be believable. It is very different from fairy tale magic, where things are quite astonishing, unbelievable, and over done. Instead, magic realism makes magic seem more spiritual and ordinary. Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez does a superb job of combining the truly amazing and magical with everyday life, so that magic in Macondo seems normal.   Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez, in part, is successful in â€Å"magic realism† because he makes ordinary events extraordinary, and that makes them mundane. Mà ¡rquez uses a technique that allows magic realism to work well in this novel, because he uses an exaggerated style of life. Macondo is a magical place, which permits the characters not to notice the magic, especially the exaggerated forms of life. At the same time the style that Mà ¡rquez uses allows the reader to believe the magic. The extent in which people in the novel age is astounding; this phenomenon is exemplified in the length of Pilar Ternera’s life.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Years before, when she had reached one hundred forty-five years of age, she had given up the pernicious custom of keeping track of her age and she went on living in the static and marginal time of memories.†(424) It is rare today that someone lives to be over 100, and Pilar lives to well over 145 years of age, yet she is not celebrate... magic is a normal occurrence and that there is no need for excitement. The characters are too involved in their solitude to notice how special and magical their village is. It is this perverse ability to remain in isolation and wrapped in solitude that leads to their ultimate downfall. If they were not as obsessed with their solitude and could have realized the wondrous world they were living in, they could have made the best of their magical gifts. But they did not, and because of their ignorance, their lives and the village was destroyed.   â€Å"†¦Because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth.† (422) [1] Liberal Studies 402, on Tuesday, March 28, 1995, by Ian Johnston (lecture)    Works Cited: Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Trans. Gregory Rabassa. New York: Harper Perennial, 1991.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Beowulf :: Epic of Beowulf Essay

Beowulf The poem Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney, is largely based around the monstrousness of Grendel and his mother. It was a difficult task for Heaney to translate the poem into Modern English while maintaining the beauty of the language and capturing the horror of the monsters. He utilises devices such as structure, literary devices and characterisation to emphasise the fear apparent in the text. Though Heaney’s writing is effective, it is impossible to use the incidents in the poem that relate to events which took place centuries ago to instil fear into the story. Though many of the issues in Beowulf are no longer relevant, Heaney is still able to capture the monstrousness of Grendel and his mother. The poem Beowulf was composed some time around the mid Seventh Century in Anglo-Saxon English. It is over three thousand lines long and stands as one of the foundation works of poetry in English. It is an imaginative work where the structuring is as important as the language. Seamus Heaney’s translation of Beowulf was labour intensive, slow work. He tried to pick a way through the syntax, get the run of the meaning establishes and then hope that the lines could be turned into metrical shape and raised to the power of verse. Seamus Heaney began his translation of Beowulf in the mid 1980s and it took him until 1999 to finish capturing the beauty of the poem in Modern English. The structure of Beowulf is first involved in capturing the monstrousness of Grendel by stating his ancestry and background: â€Å"Grendel was the name of this grim demon haunting the marches, marauding round the heath and the desolate fens; he had dwelt for a time in misery among the banished monsters, Cain’s clan, whom the creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts.† (Lines 102-107) After Grendel’s first attack the poet allows a large amount of time to pass to give the reader a sense of despair and to emphasise the impact that Grendel had on Hrothgar’s people: â€Å"For twelve winters, seasons of woe, the lord of the shieldings suffered under his load of sorrow; and so, before long, the news was known over the whole world.† (Lines 147- 150) The poet builds up the monstrousness of Grendel’s attacks by recounting them so that the reader absorbs the force of the battle. He also repeats the pattern of Beowulf’s victory ie.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lab 5 Acid/Base Extractions Essay

The purpose of this experiment is to separate either the organic base (amine) or organic acid (carboxylic acid) from a mixture that contains inorganic impurities (salt) by performing a liquid-liquid extraction and then taking a melting point. Key Experimental Details and Observations Our starting material, Compound B, was a fine white powder and weighed 0.535g. The final product was a shiny white sheet that resembled acrylic paint and weighed 0.109g. Results Our percent yield was 0.109g/0.535g x 100 = 20.4%. Discussion and Conclusions The melting point ranges we got for compound B ranged from 110.8-114.0 Â °C, while the melting point range for benzoic acid is 121.0-123.0Â °C and 103.0-107.0Â °C for 4-amino acetophenone. Since the ranges we acquired for compound B are directly in between both acid and base melting points, we can conclude that the purity for compound B is relatively high due to the compound being made up of equal parts of benzoic acid and 4-amino acetophenone. Thus saying that our melting point ranges are fairly accurate because they exemplify an equal percentage of both compounds, which is exactly what compound B is made up of. The purity can also be concluded through the melting points depression because depression arises from impurities within the lattice of a crystalized sample. We acquired a percent yield of 20.4%, which is relatively low. This result could be from part of the compound B solution being left behind in the Erlenmeyer flask when pouring the solution into the vacuum filtrate. The efficiency of a liquid-liquid extraction is high because it did allow us to gain some of our starting product back. We were able to isolate the acid from the base by deprotonating the solution with 10mL of NaOH. This caused the benzoic acid to settle at the bottom of the separatory flask because the NaOH broke it into ions, which made the acid polar. We then protonated the solution by adding HCl, which cause the acid to separate from the solution.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Discuss how Elizabethan audiences would have reacted to the first Act of Macbeth Essay

Shakespeare wrote Macbeth during an age in which the supernatural was a part of everyday life for the people of England. Prior to the wave of Christianity that swept through England, local chieftains and ordinary citizens had been firm believers in witchcraft, spells and fairies. King James had written books on the subject, giving the subject credibility in the eyes of his people. The idea of demons and witches tempting good people to do bad things was widely accepted, especially since the Bible itself made references to the devil. The introduction of the witches in the very first scene of Macbeth would have created a very intriguing effect and would have been accepted by the audience. Another fact that played an important role in the way Shakespeare’s audiences reacted to his plot was the social order and the hierarchy of the spectators who watched his plays. Only three classes existed which were the rich, the merchant middle class and the poor class. Shakespeare’s plays were performed at the Globe theatre which acted as a model for other theatres around the country. It is said that the balconies on top were the most expensive seats and these seats were occupied by the rich and noble people at the time. The next sets were the rows of seats on either side of the stage which the merchant and middle class would view the play from. The lowest category of people occupied the area immediately in front of the stage, an area which stretched far back into the theater where the view was obscured by walls and other obstacles. Crowds were often herded tightly to fit in as many as possible in the smallest amount of space. This was the method of seating at the time. We deduce that all three classes of society had gone to the theatre to watch the play for various different reasons. It is clear that each segment of the audience would have viewed Macbeth from different perspectives to the first Act of the play. The first scene of the first act would not have been a familiar theme to the educated and rich people in the balconies as they lived in a world of wealth, money and luxury far from witch craft, demons, hatred and evil. The dark and gloomy stage in this scene would have been very different from their well-lit, large and luxurious homes It is something they would not have been able to relate to except the fact that they knew that it was just a play which was based on supernatural elements that were common in that era. On the other hand, the middle and lower classes would have focused more on the dramatic structure and elements in the scene. For example, â€Å"In thunder, lightning or in rain?† (Act 1 Sc.1 Ln. 2) gives an audience a feeling of iniquity because in those days the belief was that bad weather was a sign from God showing unhappiness and anger. â€Å"When the hurly burly’s done when the battles lost and won† (Act 1 Sc. 1 Ln. 4), the unnatural rhyming conversation would have all conveyed to an exciting sense of horror. Another factor of the scene that should be taken into consideration is that not all of the conversation makes sense for example if you take â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Act 1 Sc. 1 Ln. 12),The audience are also told that the witches will return, this eccentric way of speaking gets the audience thinking and brings a sense of eagerness to see what happens next. Moreover, this scene would also have reminded them of their own streets, with poor lighting, and the small dark homes they lived in. Similarly the three segments of the audience would have reacted differently to Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy. As she finishes reading the letter from her husband, various feelings of greed and temptation enter her mind. She also has feelings of doubt and uncertainty she felt that Macbeth lacked courage and would not commit such an atrocious act, â€Å"yet do I fear thy nature, It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness†¦.† (Act 1 Sc. 5 Ln. 15). She then calls upon evil to remove her femininity from her. The intensity of this speech must have given all three segments of the audience a sense of trepidation and for some an enormous sense of rage and disgust. â€Å"The raven himself is hoarse†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Act 1 Sc 5 Ln. 7),She uses raven which is recognized as an evil bird. â€Å"unsex me here†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Act 1 Sc.5 Ln.9), She wanted all the characteristics a woman had to have in those days, removed from her. Women were expected to be meek and gentle, no matter what the husband did. So if any female protested, she was immediately branded a ‘bad’ woman in the mind’s of society. Some noble classes in the audience would be able to understand this as they too were probably experiencing similar situations in their lives. It was known that the audience lived in a patriarchy where woman had no power of their own. These women who were married to rich and superior men would often bully them for the married couple to rise in the hierarchy because that was the only way a woman could get a significant amount of power. Thus it would have appeared natural to the wealthier audience that this strong woman was able to force her husband to commit the ultimate crime, murder. It is likely that many in the audience would have also sympathized with Macbeth. It is also likely that some women in the audience were women who accepted the patriarchy system and did not question their husbands and were always willing to stay at the bottom of the hierarchy. These women would have found it difficult to imagine that such women existed. The other two segments of the audience would not have questioned the fact that Lady Macbeth could drive her husband to murder their king. These were people who never had any power and even the smallest possible notion of them being king would drive them into an immeasurable amount of temptation. The poor audiences, which would have certainly included men and women from the criminal classes, may have already committed heinous crimes before, would have had no problem with the idea of killing the king. Macbeth’s long speech, in which he battles with the enormity of the crime he is going to commit, would certainly have obtained different reactions from the audience. In his speech he has an enormous amount of uncertainty in him. His confidence is almost destroyed as he tries to fight his conscience. As I have said before, religion was a key factor in those days. They did believe that committing an act as immense as killing the king, was such a heinous crime, because to the audience it was going against God himself. â€Å"So clear in his great office, that his virtues will plead like angels, trumpet – tongued against the deep damnation of his taking off.†(Act 1 Sc. 7 Ln.20), In those days people were firm believers in the ‘divine right of kings’. It was a belief that said that only God could choose the king and nobody else. Macbeth never refers to the crime he is about to commit as murder. He alters the word by using various less dissonant synonyms like â€Å"assassination†, â€Å"surcease†, â€Å"bear the knife† and â€Å"taking off†. The educated audiences would have recognized the speech and reacted accordingly to the significance of the lines and Macbeth’s guilt overcoming him. In my opinion, it is very likely that the middle and lower classes would soon have got bored due to the length of this speech, which does not have much excitement and horror as the soliloquy of Lady Macbeth. No matter which category the audience belonged, the use of magic and supernatural features on stage would have been a thrilling source of entertainment! The witches, thunder and lightening and murder would have delighted Shakespeare’s audiences as much as today’s ideas of aliens existing and high-tech special effects thrill us! In conclusion, it can be said that the Shakespearean audience cannot be classified as of one type only. Social backgrounds, levels of education and religious elements all played a role in the way each spectator reacted to Macbeth and his actions.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Government ensure

How does the Government ensure that the development of Youths in this country is consistent with National Development in general? By Hauntingly In 21st century, youth is one of the main sources to contribute in the future of a country. In Malaysia, development of country and development in youth should go side by side. Young people need to be placed at the centre of national development. By the way, youth development can be defined as government and society can support young women and men aged 12 to 24.It's about how they develop the skill and attitudes they need to take a positive part in society, now and in future. The years from 12 to 24 are critical for human development. Youths are Increasingly involved In crime; most problem youth come from homes lacking in parental guidance. Therefore, youth are likely to seek advice from friends who could pose negative peer pressure to them. Parents should make time for their children and pay appropriate attention on them but not strictly.Rel evant units should deliver some common knowledge about harm on misuse, abuse of weapon and drug even severe punishment of high court through campaign or talk. In case, Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation held a series of programmer and activities for youths under a aiming called Youths unite Against Crime'. Besides, youth development is triggered when young people fully participate. They need to be given opportunities to involve in some meaningful activities. This can aid them to identify their personality and abilities through learning and services.Youth should be encourage to join extracurricular activities, even develop their hobbles or something expert In. This can help them to determine aspiration or target In their life. For example, National Services can train their leadership, gains more knowledge, build their skills and be more respect and unity with other races. Unemployment is parallel with output of economic. This is due to labor in country can't fully utilized as unemp loyment rate is higher. Young people are main workforce to supply labor.Thus, government should provide Job opportunities to those who after school. Work can provide young people with important opportunities to learn skills, make a contribution through social connections and, in paid work, earn money. Government try to protect worker's rights and interests especially fresh graduated. The announcement of minimum wages policy came into force from 1 January 2013. Healthy lifestyle Is Important In development of youth. Nowadays, smoking Is a bad habit among teenagers. Statistic shows that 90% of smokers are youth.It Is a serious Issue for government to discuss and need Teflon a way to solve this problem. For campaign to anti smoking. In 2011, the warning cover the half top of cigarette packs meant to shock deter new smokers and motivate existing smoker to quit. How to ensure that the development of youths in this country is consistently with national development? Youth are main structur e of a country, they can bring a country toward a bad culture or a good culture. As a conclusion, national development supported by development of youth.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Vitamin C and Scurvy

Scurvy (N. Lat. scorbutus) is a deficiency disease that results from insufficient intake of vitamin C, which is required for correct collagen synthesis in humans. The scientific name of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is derived from the Latin name of scurvy, scorbutus. Scurvy leads to the formation of liver spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from all mucous membranes. The spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person with the ailment looks pale, feels depressed, and is partially immobilized. In advanced scurvy there are open, suppurating wounds and loss of teeth. Scurvy was at one time common among sailors, pirates and others who were on ships that were out to sea longer than perishable fruits and vegetables could be stored and by soldiers who were similarly separated from these foods for extended periods. Scurvy treatment using Indian Gooseberry The Indian gooseberry is one of the most effective home remedies for scurvy. It is the richest source of vitamin C. Dry amla should be powdered with an equal quantity of sugar. This powder should be given in doses of one teaspoon, three times daily, with milk Scurvy treatment using Lime and Lemon The use of lime and lemon is highly beneficial in the prevention and treatment of scurvy. Being rich sources of vitamin C, lime and lemon are regarded as foods of exceptional therapeutic value. They have saved the lives of innumerable crews of ocean-going vessels from scurvy. The juice of one lime or lemon mixed in a glass of water, with a teaspoon of honey, should be taken for treating this condition Scurvy treatment using Potato Potato is regarded as an excellent food remedy for scurvy. It contains up to 17 mg of vitamin C, can be found in 100 mg of potatoes. It has been noted that scurvy in Europe has become more and more uncommon with the progress of potato cultivation and it makes its appearance only when the crop fails Prevention Scurvy can be prevented by a diet that includes certain citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons. Other good sources of vitamin C are fruits such as blackcurrants, guava, kiwi, papaya, tomatoes and strawberries. It can also be found in some vegetables, such as bell peppers, broccoli, potatoes, cabbage, spinach and paprika, as well as some pickled vegetables. Though redundant in the presence of a balanced diet, various nutritional supplements are available that provide ascorbic acid well in excess of that required to prevent scurvy,[10] and even some candies contain vitamin C.