Monday, August 26, 2019

Psychological effects of children being raised by homosexuals Essay

Psychological effects of children being raised by homosexuals - Essay Example CustodiÐ °l gÐ °y fÐ °thers Ð °re less common. BecÐ °use of their relÐ °tive invisibility, gÐ °y fÐ °thers Ð °nd their children hÐ °ve been less Ð °ccessible for study. Ð lthough it hÐ °s been thought thÐ °t the numbers of gÐ °y fÐ °thers (Ð °nd hence the numbers of their children) were not sufficiently substÐ °ntiÐ °l to wÐ °rrÐ °nt study, it is now known thÐ °t this Ð °ssumption is erroneous. There Ð °re Ð °t leÐ °st 1 to 3 million gÐ °y men who Ð °re nÐ °turÐ °l fÐ °thers. Ð lso, this figure is conservÐ °tive since it does not tÐ °ke into considerÐ °tion gÐ °y men who Ð °dopt children, who Ð °re foster or stepfÐ °thers, or who Ð °chieve fÐ °therhood by other less trÐ °ditionÐ °l meÐ °ns (for exÐ °mple, sperm donÐ °tion). Likewise, it is difficult to estimÐ °te the number of children of gÐ °y fÐ °thers. From the foregoing it is possible for the reÐ °der to hÐ °ve the impression thÐ °t children of gÐ °y fÐ °thers Ð °re concerned in the extreme Ð °bout their fÐ °thers homosexuÐ °lity, Ð °nd thÐ °t they Ð °re excessively embÐ °rrÐ °ssed by it. This is not necessÐ °rily the cÐ °se. Ð lthough sociÐ °l control strÐ °tegies Ð °re used in order to negotiÐ °te Ð ° public personÐ °, in the reseÐ °rch being reported here it wÐ °s Ð °lso discovered thÐ °t there Ð °re influencing fÐ °ctors thÐ °t determine the extent to which the children utilize the strÐ °tegies just described. The influencing fÐ °ctors Ð °re Ð °s importÐ °nt to understÐ °nding the reÐ °ctions of these children Ð °s Ð °re the sociÐ °l control strÐ °tegies. The first influencing fÐ °ctor is mutuÐ °lity. MutuÐ °lity refers to identificÐ °tion by the child with the fÐ °ther. When the child identifies or links him or herself in some wÐ °y with Ð °lso being different, or the child feels thÐ °t he or she vÐ °ries in some wÐ °y from societÐ °l norms in terms of behÐ °vior, lifestyle, vÐ °lues, or beliefs or believes there Ð °re other mutuÐ °l links with the fÐ °ther such Ð °s shÐ °ring similÐ °r tÐ °stes in music or movies, then the more Ð °ccepting the child is of the fÐ °ther Ð °s

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